You never really know when the major systems and appliances in your home will break down or need to be repaired. Having these issues during the listing period can become a big headache for any seller who does not have home warranty coverage. It’s common knowledge that listings with home warranty coverage included typically sell faster and for a higher price, but there are other important reasons for both home sellers and agents to include home warranty coverage on all of their listings.
Protection During the Listing Period
Selling a home can be stressful enough as it is- the last thing a seller should have to worry about is searching for a reliable service technician at a moment’s notice when a major system or appliance unexpectedly breaks down– not to mention the associated costs that will come with it. With Choice Home Warranty Seller’s Coverage, the coverage is free during the listing period, where allowed by law*- meaning the only cost to sellers is the service call fee, if and when there is a claim. This can save you time, money, and frustration during the listing period.
Protection After Closing
In addition to financial protection during listing, seller’s coverage also protects sellers and agents from post-closing disputes. Seller’s coverage is 100% transferable to the home buyer at closing, which allows the new homeowner the same level of coverage on systems and appliances with no waiting period. If a covered system or appliance breaks down after closing, the buyer will be protected. This protects the buyer, but it also protects the seller and seller’s agent from liability.
With many buyers now skipping home inspections entirely, there is even more opportunity for an unexpected issue after closing. Having home warranty coverage in place through the listing period helps shield the seller and agent from possible disputes and lawsuits in these instances.
Seller’s Coverage with Choice Home Warranty is Simple
Finding a reliable contractor in the event of a breakdown can often be time-consuming and expensive. With Choice Home Warranty, sellers can feel confident that their finances and reputation are protected both during listing and after closing. Policy holders can place a claim 24/7, 365 days a year, through their account center or by calling 1-888-275-2980.
*Click Here to view complete limits of liability and any exclusions. CHW offers service contracts which are not warranties. See policy for specifics on response times. CHW reserves the right to offer cash back in lieu of repair or replacement in the amount of CHW’s actual cost (which at times may be less than retail) to repair or replace any covered system, component or appliance.