Some smart gadgets are designed to save you money, save you time, or save you trouble. But alongside these convenience-related uses, there are also plenty of smart devices with a more serious goal: To keep your property and your family safe. If you’re ready to smarten up on security, here are four technologies to consider bringing into your home.

Locks. A smart lock is the first thing most people think of when they think of smart home security, and is one of the most practical security devices on the market. You eliminate the risk of locking yourself out of the house, while also making it easy to remotely lock the door if you forget to do it when you leave the house. You can also give access to others, such as a house sitter or childcare provider, and remove that access easily when it’s no longer needed. Similarly, you can get smart garage doors with the same features.

Timed lights. For many years, people have been deterring burglars by using timers to simulate an occupied house while they’re away. Smart technology has taken this concept to the next level: Some smart plugs allow you to not only schedule your lights, but even include a vacation mode where lights will be turned on and off at random intervals for an especially convincing performance.

Security cameras. These days, smart security cameras like Nest or smart doorbells like Ring are accessible to your average homeowner. Not only does a visible camera deter break-ins, but these features can allow you to easily see who’s at your door before opening it, or capture video if something criminal occurs.

Detectors. Not every risk to your home is a potential break-in. Plumbing problems can be incredibly expensive for homeowners, and a smart leak detector can help you catch them before they get out of hand. Some more intensive systems can even enable you to remotely shut off your water in case of extreme leaks. Smoke detectors and CO2 detectors have also gotten smarter, offering more informative warnings when they detect a problem than your typical battery-operated detector.

This information was provided by one of our preferred vendors, Supreme Lending. Thank you, Cale Iorg, Senior Loan Officer NMLS# 1121662, for this information.

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